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So that you get bigger and stronger – our nutritional advice

Balanced nutrition for babies and toddlers is important to us. Due to poverty and hard physical labor, many mothers do not have enough breast milk for their babies. They then resort to rice or wheat and use water to make a gruel out of it. That quickly leads to a consequential one Malnutrition.

With our Nutritional advice We educate the mothers and show them the values of the local grains and legumes. We explain to them what the little body needs in order to grow up healthy.

It is possible to have a nutritious one Baby food Made from cheap local ingredients from the mountain region – rich in carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins. Our health assistant and midwives show the women how to mix barley, wheat, beans and peas into a pulp. The mothers are grateful to Back to Life for the newly acquired knowledge. In this way they can feed their children better despite their poverty. An important step for a healthy child’s life that should not start with malnutrition.

Of course ours speaks Health assistant with women also about how they can feed themselves better.