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Last minute rescue

With the last of her strength, 18-year-old Sandhya Nepali reached our birthplace in Loharbada in Mugu. The 7th month pregnant woman suffered from profuse bleeding. Our midwives immediately recognized the gravity of the situation. They decided that Sandhya had to be taken to hospital immediately because the life of the mother and child was in acute danger. Every minute was important, we couldn’t lose any time. In December there are only a few and irregular flights to and from Mugu, as there are no flights in unfavorable weather conditions or snowfall. Nevertheless, our on-site team managed to get Sandhya and her husband to the lowlands on the next flight. There we took her to the Nepalgunj Zonal Hospital.

That was just in time, as the doctors in Nepalgunj confirmed. The diagnosis: Sandhya suffered from a misalignment of the placenta, which completely blocked the uterus. The doctors managed to stop the bleeding and thus saved both of their lives. The attending doctor told us: “It is a small miracle that the baby was able to survive. The situation was life-threatening for mother and child. “

For seven weeks until the birth, Sandhya remained in the hospital under medical observation. The treatment there was free of charge and Back to Life paid for the medication, meals and transport required. Sandhya’s husband soon had to return to Mugu to earn some money. His mother came to the lowlands and looked after Sandhya in the sick bed.

When the expected due date passed, the doctor decided to perform a caesarean section. With success: mother and child are doing well – the girl weighed 3 kilos when she was born and was in excellent health. Only a few days later Sandhya returned with her daughter to the Mugu Mountains, where her husband was eagerly awaiting them.

Sandhya’s mother-in-law thanked us: “Sandhya and her child would not have survived if Back to Life wouldn’t have helped. It breaks my heart to remember how many women in our country have died of complications and bleeding during pregnancy. That doesn’t have to happen anymore. Thanks to the Back to Life team for responding so quickly! “