Finally Home!
The deaf children of Mugu now live in their new school dormitory.
High Time to Build Something New
However, it was evident that the old dormitory had no future. The building was dilapidated, the roof leaked, and the few rooms were small, damp, and dark. A single room had to suffice for learning, playing, and sleeping. The sanitary facilities were also in poor condition. Therefore, Back to Life planned the construction of a new dormitory with facilities that meet the needs of the young residents. The building was to be child-friendly, promote the joy of learning, and provide a comfortable atmosphere.
In 2020, the relevant authorities approved the construction. A modern, earthquake-proof building made of steel and concrete was planned, a rarity in the region. The design included two floors with a total of 13 fully furnished rooms and four sanitary rooms.
We have expanded the capacity of the dormitory to a total of 32 places, for 10 boys and 7 girls – so the school will be able to accommodate more deaf children in the future. This is a major concern for Back to Life, as well as close cooperation with the local school, local authorities, and a local non-governmental organization.
Plan wird Wirklichkeit
A Motivating Environment,
Where Everyone Feels Comfortable
The dormitory now has a kitchen and dining room, and even a refrigerator. There is a computer room with 16 computers, a well-equipped learning room, and a multipurpose room with books, games, and a TV. The dormitories for girls and boys and the rooms for the supervisors are comfortably furnished, with carpets and curtains. Hansa BK, the caregiver and head of the dormitory, is pleased: “Finally, the children have enough space to learn and be creative. They are so happy here! We are already planning a small kitchen garden and also want to plant flowers in front of the house.”
The building will be handed over to the regional administration, which will maintain it in the future. “In remote regions like Mugu, it is a great challenge to implement such a dormitory concept for children with special needs, as there is a lack of funds, concepts, and personnel for it,” says Kadak Bahadur Rokaya, principal of Mahakali Secondary School. “We are very grateful to Back to Life for this modern building and proud that the children receive so much support in their development. The new school dormitory sustainably improves the situation of the deaf in Nepal.”