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Individual fates

Mangal Rokaya reinvents himself

Mangal Rokaya reinvents himself

A self-determined life despite polio thanks to income generation

Mangal was born healthy. He started walking when he was 12 months old. Now 26 years old, Mangal comes from a family that works as day laborers in agriculture high up in the mountains of Mugu [...].

Sher Singh, on two legs into the future

Sher Singh, on two legs into the future

The door of the small shop in Loharbada village opens. A child asks about sugar, Sher Singh stands up and goes to the shelf. This would not have been possible just a few years ago. Because Sher Singh has only one healthy leg [...]
Fate decides

Fate decides

From Stella Deetjen

"We didn't really have any hope that he would survive. When he was born, he was as small as a mouse. And so thin. But things got really bad when his mother died on the 15th day after delivery," Jhupri Rawal, the infant's grandmother, tells our team in Mugu [...]

Living with an umbilical hernia – Dinesh is saved

Living with an umbilical hernia – Dinesh is saved

The nightmare of childbirth: Dinesh is not only born on the roadside, but is also born with an umbilical hernia. A life-threatening odyssey begins. In a race against time, the family encounters, as if by chance, an employee of Back to Life [...]
The long way to happiness

The long way to happiness

From Stella Deetjen

The screams of the desperate mother tore the silence of the freezing winter night in the Mugu mountains. In no time the neighbors ran together and gathered in front of the Karkis house. What had happened [...]

Saruli – unconditional will to live

Saruli – unconditional will to live

When children dance and sing at school, 11-year-old Saruli from Mugu was full of joy when she wasn't collecting wood or protecting her parents' small field from wild monkeys [...]
Goodbye, Mugu – the new life of Khushi

Goodbye, Mugu – the new life of Khushi

Children's laughter echoes through the small room. Amma is heating a large pot filled to the brim with oil over an open fire. Her youngest daughter Khushi, still a toddler of one and a half years who has only recently learned to walk, frolics exuberantly around her mother with her siblings [...]
Hansa Devi – strong, courageous and undeterred

Hansa Devi – strong, courageous and undeterred

You could start explaining it at 5 in the morning. Then when Hansa Devi gets up, puts water on and makes tea for “her” 24 children. When she wakes the children, directs them to make their beds and sweep, and with some of them prepares breakfast for all [...]
Back to Life e.V.