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How to wash properly has to be learned – our baby bath training

Back to Life supports the mothers with various training courses so that they can care for the newborns in the best possible way. This also includes the “baby bath training” that was developed by our midwives for the young mothers. It shows them how important regular hygiene right from the start is for a healthy growth. They learn which diseases they can actively prevent through hygiene, such as diarrhea, skin diseases, ear infections. Regular bathing of babies has simply been neglected so far, due to lack of water, because of the cold or because it was not perceived as important.

The mothers learn how to keep the child safely in the water. Careful washing is practiced together. These are beautiful moments that they happily share with each other. Such a group of women is a new experience for the young mothers. They exchange ideas and enjoy it. They used to be on their own with their questions or worries.

In addition, our midwives visit the families at home and check whether what they have learned is being applied. Little by little, infant hygiene will pass into the culture of the Mugu people and the otherwise so common health problems will be reduced. We repeat all trainings regularly.