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Solar lighting systems for 520 households

The night grows lighter in Gamtha

In March 2017 we reported on the delivery and installation of solar lighting systems for over 500 families in Gamtha, Mugu. From the beginning of our activities in Mugu, we have also focused on ecological and clean energy sources in our on-site projects.

In addition to our smoke-free stoves, which gradually replaced the usual open fire – with the resulting toxic smoke development – in the houses, we also opted for simple but very effective solar light systems.

Resource protection in the barren mountains of Mugu is not only a practical side effect, but an important prerequisite for the preservation of the habitat there. Because women and children have to keep walking over the mountains to find enough firewood.

Too much has already been cut down – nature can no longer regenerate quickly enough. In addition, the solar systems can make a decisive contribution to poverty reduction.

For example, school children can read, play or do their homework in the evenings. The positive effect of household electricity on learning success has even been proven by studies (e.g. World Bank 2011, Stanford 2016, UNDESA 2014).

As of August 2020, we have already been able to equip more than 3000 households with solar lighting systems, and several hundred families will be added again in the current project period.

Bir Singh Thapa and his wife were very happy about their solar lights: “So far we have always eaten before sunset on August 28th, 2020 and then went straight to sleep. Now we can still have a family life together in the evening. It’s nice when the house is brightly lit, isn’t it? ”