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The end of the water shortage: 11 new taps for Bhaduwar

A fateful minute and a half for the small Nepalese mountain village in Nuwakot – Bhaduwar was almost wiped out during the 2015 earthquake. Its 538 residents had to watch helplessly as their houses, cattle sheds and the village school became part of a desert of rubble. The water supply to the village was also destroyed at that time. From then on, people had to walk to the river for an hour to get water.

Without water, there is a risk of migration
But the village has no future without water. When cattle breeding or agriculture is not possible on their land due to a lack of water, the villagers have to migrate to look for work somewhere.

At the same time as the reconstruction of the primary school in the village, Back to Life took care of the urgently needed restoration of a functioning water system. The technicians commissioned by Back to Life created a construction plan for the water pipes after a detailed analysis of the possibilities. After water samples from the spring were tested in a certified laboratory and found to be clean drinking water, the health authorities issued the necessary permit for the construction of the water system.

Underground waterways ensure clean drinking water
Laying an underground 3.2 kilometers long connection from the water source to the village was no easy undertaking on the mountain with various layers of rock and earth that had to be removed by hand. The village population worked tirelessly and so the project could be implemented within 7 months. The result can be seen. Bhaduwar now owns 11 water points in the village. Electricity is not necessary for the operation, we use the water pressure that is created by the sloping hillside. Two families have each provided a piece of land for the space for the voluminous tanks. Before commissioning, the water quality was tested again by the health authorities and the 11 pumps and the water pipe for the primary school were approved.

Village takes responsibility for itself
The “Water User Group” chosen by the village and trained by us is responsible for maintaining the system. We have equipped them with the appropriate tools and materials. In addition, the savings groups we have set up will ensure that the operating costs of the water supply can be borne by the village itself in the future. This is important in order not to create any dependencies.

New future through access to water
The 11 taps change village life. Bimala Tamang tells us: “It is such a great relief that you are now letting the water come to our village. That saves us so much energy and time. Due to the much better water quality of the mountain spring, the health and hygiene in the village will now also improve. Because now we have so much water that our children can wash themselves regularly. We can even flush our toilets with the water. That changes a lot for us fundamentally. “

We support fathers of families who would otherwise have emigrated to look for work through income promotion. Since the water shortage has been remedied, they can grow vegetables in greenhouses and sell them at a profit on the market. You will receive the necessary training and starting resources from Back to Life. The access to water also makes it possible to keep livestock again and there are more goat herds in the village.